A Facebook page started today- please join if you are interested in this special spring creek which links Christchurch to lake Ellesmere- a wetland of international Importance.
The Halswell River to me represents one of the best opportunities for habitat enhancement for fish, birds and wetland ecosystems in Canterbury. The river is essentially a spring creek which links the suburbs of Christchurch to a wetland of international importance- namely Lake Ellesmere. The rivers' biodiversity would be one of the highest ranking of any spring creek in Canterbury. The river has suffered from heavy siltation loads since 2004. Canalisation and river dredging work has often not followed sensible best practice methods and impacted on the rivers biodiversity. Yet the river has been restored in places and is an exciting natural resource on the edge of our garden city worthy of promotion and enhancement so that its potential is realised. The aim of this page is to bring the river to life through awareness.